Getting Rid of Snakes in Your Orlando Area Home: Tips & Tricks

Here in Orlando, we’re used to dealing with household pests but if there’s one critter no one wants to see slithering into their home, it’s definitely a snake. While not all snake species in Florida are venomous, enough of them are that they should always be treated like a threat. If you want to avoid a terrifying encounter with a serpent in your home, keep reading for a few tips.

Snake Prevention & Removal Tips

As with most pests, the best way to get rid of snakes is to prevent them from getting inside your home in Orlando to begin with. Snakes are usually attracted into our yards and homes by their hunt for prey, such as rodents and insects. Leaving pet food and bird food outside your home will often lead to a rodent presence and, by extension, a snake presence, so consider keeping pet food inside and placing bird feeders toward the edge of your property.

Another good trick for snake prevention is to place gravel or other fine rock in your garden beds instead of mulch. While mulch creates a warm, moist area for snakes to rest on comfortably, gravel is hard for them to slither over and can help to deter them. To keep snakes from getting inside your Orlando area home, seal any small holes around the foundation or in your siding that snakes may be able to slither through.

But how do you get rid of a snake that’s already made it inside your house? You don’t! All snakes will bite if they feel threatened and many species are venomous. If you spot a snake inside your home, your best move is to call a licensed pest control company in Orlando. Trained pest control technicians will be able to safely remove the snake from your home without anyone getting bitten.

In Need of Snake Control in Orlando?

If you’ve been having trouble with snakes on your property, it’s time to bring in the pros to wrangle them. Contact Commando Pest Control & Trappers today if you need snake removal and prevention services in the Orlando area!

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