Bee, Wasp & Hornet Removal in Doctor Phillips, FL

Do you require wasp or hornet nest removal services in Doctor Phillips?

From honeybees to bald-faced hornets, paper wasps to yellowjackets, many stinging insects live in Florida. Stinging insect infestations in Doctor Phillips are a common occurrence, as our homes provide an excellent foundation for these pests’ nests. Approaching a stinging insect on your property, even by accident, can result in bees or wasps swarming and attacking you.

You probably want to be rid of your nasty stinging neighbors as quickly as possible, but attempting DIY wasp nest removal is unwise. Instead, team up with a bee and wasp control company in Doctor Phillips to throw those stinging trespassers out of your arena.


Unrivaled Stinging Insect Nest Removal

Commando Pest Control & Trappers has the necessary experience to safely and effectively exterminate bees, hornets and wasps from homes in Doctor Phillips. First, our specialists will perform a home inspection to size up our stinging adversaries and locate any nests on your property. Then, we’ll devise a custom removal plan to extract and dispose of all bee or wasp nests and pick off any stragglers.

After your stinging insect issues have been resolved, our team will perform bee and wasp prevention services to keep your home safe. Sign up for our ongoing pest control program in Doctor Phillips to ensure you’ll never have to square off with wasps, hornets or yellowjackets again.

Commando is Undefeated Against Everything That Stings

Don’t let wasps or bees come buzzing in and take control of your turf. Contact Commando Pest Control & Trappers today for the ultimate bee, wasp and hornet removal services in the Doctor Phillips area!





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